
Management team & advisors

Mattias Hjorth

CEO Scandinavian Astor Group AB (publ)

Experience: More than 25 years of experience in business and operational development, sales and technology in the IT and defence industry. Some of his previous positions include CEO of CAG Security and Senior Director of Business Development at Saab’s Surveillance, EW & Aircraft Systems division, where he was responsible for business development in the field of Electromagnetic Warfare.

Education: Mattias has studied applied physics and electrical engineering at Linköping University.

Holdings in Astor Group: 27 810 shares and 250 000 warrants as part of employee incentive programme 2024/2028.

Wictor Billström

CFO Scandinavian Astor Group AB (publ)

Experience: Wictor Billström has more than 15 years of experience from finance, insurance and accounting in various roles at If Skadeförsäkring, Euler Hermes, SEB and Altris. Wictor was previously a board member of Astor Group and took the position as CFO in November 2023. Other assignments include Board member at Thulcandra Capital AB and Upgrade Invest Nordic AB.

Education: MSc in Business Adminstration and Economics from Stockholm University and an Investment Management Certificate from CFA UK

Holdings in Astor Group: 1 596 308 shares and 50 000 warrants as part of incentive programme 2022/2025 and 75 000 warrants as part of employee incentive programme 2024/2028.

Fredrik Lindblom

CEO Marstrom

Experience: CEO of Marstrom Composite AB, previously Deputy CEO between 2021-2022, held the role of Production Manager for 10 years.

Education: Undergrad as a fine carpenter with a focus on boats.

Holdings in Astor Group: 10 000 shares and 150 000 warrants of incentive programme 2022/2025 and 66 000 warrants as part of employee incentive programme 2024/2028.

Jörgen Lindqvist

CEO Mikroponent

Experience: Jörgen Lindqvist has been CEO of Mikroponent since 2003. He was previously CEO of Calator-Ruckh AB (Gmbh), a company active in textile machinery manufacturing on a global scale. Jörgen Lindqvist has also been Business Controller at Emballator-Group consisting of 9 companies in 5 different countries, where he was responsible for business development, M&A process and financial control.

Education: MSc BA, University of Borås

Holdings in Astor Group: 20 000 shares and 66 000 warrants as part of employee incentive programme 2024/2028.

Jon Henriksson

CEO Airsafe Sweden AB

Experience: Currently CEO of Scandinavian Astor Groups subsidiary Airsafe Sweden AB. Previously held senior positions within sales that has given him a robust skill set that includes Customer Relations, Negotiation, Sales Management, B2B, Sales Process and more.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Real Estate from Malmö University.

Holdings in Astor Group: 66 000 warrants as part of employee incentive programme 2024/2028.

John Åhlund

CEO Scandiflash

Experience: John Åhlund is the CEO of Scandiflash and has been in the company since 2020. Previous positions includes program manager and head of R&D at Scienta Omicron, a company active in surface science and nanotechnology.

Education: PhD Physics, Uppsala University.

Holdings in Astor Group: 8 500 shares.

Board of directors

Lars Granbom

Chairman of the Board

Experience: Lars Granbom has previous experience of IPOs, acquisitions, capital raising, investor relations, corporate management and board work. Member of the Board of Directors of Astor Group subsidiaries. Also owner of Trefyr AB. Board member and co-owner in 4E Antenna Finland OY, JL4 Invest AB and JL4 Technologies AB.

Education: Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola

Holdings in Astor Group: 108 463 shares and 200 000 warrants as part of incentive programme 2022/2025


Kristoffer Weywadt

Board member

Experience: Kristoffer Weywadt works with strategy and business development at Rheinmetall Defence and has many years of experience in major international business. He also has previous experience from ABB, SAAB and the Swedish Armed Forces.

Education: MBA Quantic School of Business and Technology Quantic Business School (USA), MSc Electrical Engineering Chalmers University of Technology, Swedish Defence University – Officer in the reserve program

Holdings in Astor Group: 66 453 shares

Per Adamsson

Board member

Experience:Per Adamsson has experience as CEO/President of Volvo Group Venture Capital and he is also co-founder and VP of WirelessCar AB. Board member of numerous tech companies.

Education: Computer Science, University of Gothenburg. Graduate courses in marketing and computer science, Harvard University, USA

Holdings in Astor Group: 5 357 shares

Ola Alfredsson

Board member

Experience: Ola Alfredsson has experience as VP Strategic Projects and Business Development Manager at MilDef Group AB, Sales Manager and CEO at Kockums AB and as Embassy Counsellor at the Swedish Embassy in Washington DC, USA.

Education: Systems engineering training at the Swedish Naval Officers’ Training College.

Holdings in Astor Group: 22 725 shares

Robert Humeur

Board member

Experience: Currently Business Development Manager at Palantir Technologies. Previous positions include Future Sensor Capabilities and Sales Director for the Electronic Warfare business area at SAAB. Head of Research and Development in the field of sensors and electronic warfare at the Swedish Armed Forces. Vice Chairman Swedish Security & Defence Industry Association (SOFF).

Education: Master’s degree in Information Warfare from the Naval Postgraduate School in California, USA.

Holdings in Astor Group:

James McVeigh

Board member

Experience: Currently Executive Communications Director Group Function Technology at Ericsson AB. Previously Employer Branding Lead and Communication Manager for Internal, Editorial and Digital Communication at SAAB as well as Communications Executive at British International Investment.

Education: Master’s degree in International Conflict Studies and Bachelor’s degree in Human Geography.

Holdings in Astor Group: 818 458 shares through related party