Laser cutting & etching

Discover the advantages of etching and laser cutting

Mikroponent and Welas manufactures, through etching and laser cutting, metal components that are between 0.01 and 4 mm thick with outstanding precision. The range is infinite as they provide both function and decor through their technique in both the industrial side and within home design.

Where precision is key

Etching and laser cutting are very precise methods and which enables extremely high detail reproduction. Mikroponent and Welas works with tight tolerances in contour-cut and/or partially removed material. The suitability for complex details is unmatched. ‘One hole or fifty thousand – it makes no difference.’

Another advantage is the cost-effectiveness since there is no need for expensive and time-consuming tools. This gives Mikroponent and Welas a superior ability to start manufacturing without wasting time. All this for both small and large series within space & aviation, defense, automotive, electronics and other industries that requires exceptional and detailed components.

About Mikroponent

Mikroponent are suppliers to some of the world’s most renowned manufacturers of everything from space technology to watchmaking. As electronics advance, precise chemical etching thrives. Mikroponent is crafting components 0.010 mm thin with ±0.020 mm accuracy.

    Mikroponent website

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