
The shareholder list below shows Scandinavian Astor Group’s 5 largest shareholders as of 31 December 2024.*

Shareholder No. of Shares Share capital/Votes**
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring** 5,759,756 12.71%
Avanza Pension 2,577,690 5.69%
Anders Danielsson Trä AB 2,203,992 4.86%
Lennart Sundberg 1,720,477 3.80%
Wictor Billström** 1,701,308 3.75%
Total five largest shareholders 13,963,223 30.81%
Total other shareholders 31,350,797 69.19%
Total shareholders 45,314,020 100%

*Compiled and processed data from, among others, the company’s information, Euroclear, Morningstar and Finansinspektionen.

** Parts of Wictor Billström’s holdings in Astor Group are in Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring but are in the list reported separately for him personally and deducted from the total in Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring.

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